How Early Before an Event Should You Get Your Makeup Done?

How Early Before an Event Should You Get Your Makeup Done

As a professional makeup artist, I understand the importance of looking your best for any event. Whether it’s a wedding, a prom, a special party, or a professional photoshoot, the right makeup can enhance your features and boost your confidence. One of the common questions I often receive from clients is, “How early before an event should you get your makeup done?” In this article, I’ll provide you with valuable insights and tips on the ideal timing for getting your makeup done to ensure you look flawless throughout the event. This content is completed by

Planning Ahead for a Flawless Look

Consider the Event Schedule

Before booking your makeup appointment, consider the schedule of the event. Determine the time when the main activities or ceremonies will take place. For example, if it’s a morning event, you’ll need to get your makeup done early, allowing ample time for dressing up and reaching the venue. On the other hand, evening events may give you more flexibility in timing. Explore how early is too early to get makeup done.

Trials and Preparations

To avoid last-minute stress and ensure everything goes smoothly, schedule a makeup trial at least a few weeks before the event. Trials help you and your makeup artist understand your preferences, skin type, and any potential allergies to products. This preparation ensures that the final makeup application on the event day will be exactly how you want it.

Timing Your Makeup Appointment

Morning Events

For morning events, aim to get your makeup done at least 2 to 3 hours before the main event starts. This time frame allows your makeup artist to work meticulously without rushing and gives you some time for any touch-ups if necessary. Also, consider the time it takes to reach the event location, accounting for traffic or any unforeseen delays.

Evening Events

Evening events provide more flexibility for makeup appointments. Getting your makeup done 1 to 2 hours before the event is usually sufficient. This way, your makeup will look fresh, and you won’t have to worry about any fading or smudging during the event.

Complex Makeup Looks

For elaborate and intricate makeup looks, such as those involving special effects or heavy detailing, it’s essential to allocate extra time. In such cases, plan to get your makeup done at least 3 to 4 hours before the event, giving the makeup artist enough time to create a stunning masterpiece.

Stay Prepared and RelaxedHow Early Before an Event Should You Get Your Makeup Done

Gather Inspiration

Before your makeup appointment, gather some makeup inspiration. Look for celebrity looks, makeup tutorials, or images that resonate with your style and the event’s theme. Sharing these visuals with your makeup artist will help them understand your preferences better.

Skincare Routine

Leading up to the event, follow a consistent skincare routine to ensure your skin is in the best possible condition. Cleanse, moisturize, and pamper your skin regularly to achieve a smooth canvas for makeup application.

Dress Accordingly

Wear a button-down shirt or something that won’t disturb your makeup when changing into your event attire. This way, you won’t risk smudging or ruining your freshly done makeup.

In conclusion, timing is crucial when it comes to getting your makeup done for an event. Plan ahead, considering the event schedule, and schedule a makeup trial for proper preparations. For morning events, aim to get your makeup done 2 to 3 hours before the main event, while 1 to 2 hours before the event is ideal for evening events. For complex makeup looks, allocate 3 to 4 hours to ensure perfection.

Remember to stay prepared and relaxed, gather inspiration, maintain a good skincare routine, and dress accordingly. By following these guidelines, you’ll have a flawless makeup look that lasts throughout the event and leaves you feeling confident and beautiful.


  1. What should I do if I have sensitive skin and am worried about makeup products causing irritation?

If you have sensitive skin, it’s crucial to inform your makeup artist during the trial. They can use hypoallergenic and skin-friendly products to minimize the risk of irritation.

  1. Can I do my makeup myself for a special event?

While doing your makeup is an option, a professional makeup artist can create a polished and long-lasting look that complements your features and the event’s theme.

  1. How can I make my makeup last longer during the event?

Using a makeup setting spray and carrying some blotting papers can help maintain your makeup’s longevity throughout the event.

  1. What makeup trends are popular for events right now?

Some popular trends include a natural glowy look, bold eyeshadow, and defined brows. However, trends change, so it’s essential to choose a look that suits your personal style and preferences.

  1. Do makeup artists offer on-site services for events?

Yes, many makeup artists provide on-site services for events. This option allows you to get your makeup done at the event venue for convenience and peace of mind.

Maurice Garcia

Maurice Garcia

Maurice Garcia, a versatile wordsmith, crafts engaging content across diverse niches. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she seamlessly navigates topics ranging from travel and lifestyle to technology and beyond. Her writing captivates audiences, offering insights and inspiration in every word.