Best Way to Clean Spa Filters

Best Way to Clean Spa Filters

Owning a spa is a luxurious delight, but keeping it in pristine condition requires a bit of elbow grease, especially when it comes to maintaining the spa filters. Let’s unravel the best practices for spa filter cleaning – ensuring your soak in the tub is always a refreshing and rejuvenating experience.

1. The Basics of Spa Filters:

Before we dive into cleaning techniques, let’s understand the role of spa filters. These unsung heroes trap debris, dirt, and impurities, ensuring your spa water remains crystal clear and hygienic. Regular cleaning is crucial for optimal performance.

2. Frequency Matters:

How often should you clean your spa filters? The answer depends on usage. For heavy use, consider cleaning the filters every two weeks. For occasional use, a monthly cleaning routine should suffice. Regular checks are key to gauging when your filters need attention.

3. Rinse and Repeat:

Start with a simple rinse. Remove the filters and use a garden hose to wash away loose debris. Aim the hose at an angle to clean between the pleats thoroughly. This basic rinse is effective for mild cleaning and should be done regularly.

4. Soaking for Success:

For a more thorough cleanse, give your spa filters a soak. Create a cleaning solution by mixing a filter cleaning solution with water in a bucket. Let the filters soak for a few hours or overnight. This helps break down oils, lotions, and other contaminants trapped in the filter media.

5. Brush Away Residue:

For stubborn dirt and debris, a soft brush can work wonders. Gently scrub between the pleats with a filter cleaning brush or a soft-bristle brush to dislodge any trapped particles. Avoid using a stiff brush, as it may damage the delicate filter material.

6. Time for a Filter Swap:

Even with regular cleaning, spa filters have a lifespan. Consider having a spare set of filters. When it’s time for cleaning, swap the filters, allowing the used ones to dry thoroughly before the next cleaning. This ensures uninterrupted spa enjoyment.

Clean Spa Filters


How do I know when it’s time to replace my spa filters?

If the filters show signs of wear and tear, such as fraying or cracking, it’s time for a replacement. Reduced water flow or difficulty in cleaning despite regular maintenance can also indicate the need for new filters.

Can I use household cleaners for spa filter cleaning?

It’s not recommended. Household cleaners may contain chemicals harmful to the spa’s components. Stick to dedicated spa filter cleaning solutions, which are designed to break down oils and contaminants without harming the filter material.

Do I need to clean my spa filters during the winter when the spa is not in use?

Yes, it’s advisable. Even when not in use, spa filters can collect dust and debris. Regular cleaning, even during periods of non-use, ensures they are ready for action when you decide to indulge in a warm soak.

Can I use a pressure washer to clean my spa filters?

Avoid using a pressure washer, as the high pressure can damage the filter material. Stick to a gentle garden hose rinse and, if needed, a soft brush for effective yet safe cleaning.

How can I prevent filter clogging between cleanings?

Encourage spa users to shower before entering the spa to minimize oils and lotions in the water. Consider using a pre-filter for the spa water to reduce impurities reaching the filters.


Maintaining clean spa filters is not just about water clarity; it’s about ensuring the longevity of your spa and the quality of your soaking experience. With these tips, you can master the art of spa filter cleaning, ensuring your oasis remains a haven of relaxation.



Jacob Maynard is a versatile writer with a passion for exploring diverse topics. From technology to travel, literature to lifestyle, he delves into various subjects with curiosity and insight. With a knack for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, Jacob brings a unique perspective to his writing on the multi-niche blog.